An Exciting Week

Before I get to all the activity that has been happening here at Sustainable Shanti this week, let me first make a confession: I’m not a very good blogger.  I blog the same way I journal–sporadically and only when I feel truly inspired or fired up about an issue.  When I was growing up, I thought something was wrong with me if I procrastinated.  As an adult, I have come to realize that my attention focuses on the things about which I care deeply and that often leads to living very much in the moment and not in regards to the technological world.  If you’re new here, be sure to check out my post on what it means for me to now own a computer and you’ll get a sense of why I tend to focus more on what’s in front of me instead of what’s going on online.

Now that my confession is over, let’s get on with the exciting news.  This past Thursday, I spent the day at the Brick Church Holiday Fair meeting some amazing, kindred spirited women: Sara Jane Mercer, Dawn Gallagher, Rebecca Casciano, and Britta Aragon of CV Skinlabs.  The day started at the early hour of 4am for me as I geared up, ready to go on a Sustainable Shanti crusade.



And here’s our table, ready to spread the love about Sustainable Shanti salves:


Yesterday was also an exciting day here as Tara Mackey’s review of Sustainable Shanti went live.  She loves the salves and I am so honored to be collaborating with her!  Her man also happens to feel like gold when using our products.  It seemed like the perfect time to introduce a new “In the News” section here on the website.  Check it out!


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